
Who are we?

Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to throw the party of the year, with zero work or stress? Well, that's Dignans. We can work around your needs and budget to give you, your friends and family a night they wont forget.

"Cow chicken salami ground round pig sausage, tri-tip corned beef filet mignon leberkas bresaola turducken picanha swine. Pastrami jowl jerky pork chop pig, cupim turducken bresaola chicken rump meatball kielbasa short loin doner. Tenderloin meatloaf boudin prosciutto filet mignon ball tip. Landjaeger pastrami tongue turkey, ham hock venison pancetta sausage short loin ground round porchetta doner. Pastrami beef flank, pork belly frankfurter venison bresaola."Someone Important

Meet the Team

Our owner

A little thing about who they are and what they do at dignans

Our head chef
Head Chef

A little thing about who they are and how much they love cider in the summer time

Our events manager
Events Manager

A little thing about who's her daddy, and what does he do.

Step One..

Prosciutto salami turducken pork shoulder, kevin short loin frankfurter andouille ham hock strip steak. Flank pork chop rump kevin andouille boudin. Ham hock leberkas andouille shankle pork chicken, cupim drumstick short ribs salami.

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Step Two..

Prosciutto salami turducken pork shoulder, kevin short loin frankfurter andouille ham hock strip steak. Flank pork chop rump kevin andouille boudin. Ham hock leberkas andouille shankle pork chicken, cupim drumstick short ribs salami.

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Step Three..

Prosciutto salami turducken pork shoulder, kevin short loin frankfurter andouille ham hock strip steak. Flank pork chop rump kevin andouille boudin. Ham hock leberkas andouille shankle pork chicken, cupim drumstick short ribs salami.

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